Idioma A myth inspired in the drunkenness and the animal kingdom.

  1. #1
    .orbmeim :olelaraporoF Avatar de Marco Frei
    10 ene, 15
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    A myth inspired in the drunkenness and the animal kingdom.

    This is my first official short story. It's inspired by an episode of Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea,
    where the harpooner Ned Land dugong hunting with the help of the crew of the Nautilus. Judge:

    One day, early in the morning, the sailors were awake with a terrible headache after binge the night before. One remembered something and called the rest:

    -Listen, yesterday I saw a mermaid with my own eyes as he rowed the boat to return to the ship. It was the most beautiful being that I had never seen.

    The rest of the crew was stunned. One asked:

    -What happened after watching it?

    -I was going to get close to talk, but she panicked and plunged into the water.

    The crew murmured fascinated for a few seconds, when a laugh is heard nearby. The captain, who had been
    listening all intently was writhing around on the floor laughing. He told them:

    -Sot boys, to your innocence and gullibility, I decided that tonight back to the shore of the island and hunt with a network that you call siren. Hahahaha.

    -Why not immediately? In one hour we got there.

    -No. It must be done at night. And you will understand why.

    No sooner said than done. At nightfall the captain ordered instructions for them to be the place where the crew met the siren.
    Suddenly someone saw a silhouette and gave notice. After awhile something big and heavy was captured with nets.

    -It's the mermaid! It's her!-they exclaimed all excited.

    They took over the network and the captain spoke:

    -Observe, bunch of idiots! You see the whole body? Do you see its face? It's not a mermaid, it's a sea cow.
    I'll explain an anecdote. A long time ago, when I was a novice sailor, an Irishman who usually sailed near the island said to have found a mermaid. Others said that they had also seen them in these waters. One night, which was then the captain of this ship, an old sea dog, formed a hunting set. We did, or so we thought, but in reality it was a manatee. Years later, we repeat the same scene. Two lessons that you must learn:

    -The myths are just that: myths.
    -The meat of sea cows is delicious and tender, even more than beef.

    (The next day, manatees ate.)

  2. #2
    Just leave me alone. Avatar de Raikkonen
    08 may, 13
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    Waiting for the film.

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