Ya todo esta en youtube, 1 9 8 4

  1. #1
    ForoParalelo: Miembro Avatar de Usuario0001
    31 dic, 17
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    Ya todo esta en youtube, 1 9 8 4

    En los mass media,ya no se ven programas como este ,el bombardeo es continuo....

  2. #2
    ForoBoniatos/ForoCebollas Avatar de battousai1300
    25 abr, 15
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    Por eso yo ya no veo la tele.

    Si quiero actualidad de lo que pasa verdaderamente, me voy a internet.

  3. #3
    AutoBanned Avatar de INRI
    18 nov, 16
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    Si Alemania es el pais mas poderoso de la UE, a quien le importa o a importado nunca a que costo?

  4. #4
    ForoParalelo: Miembro Avatar de 12 Monos
    13 dic, 16
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    Por eso yo ya no veo la tele.

    Si quiero actualidad de lo que pasa verdaderamente, me voy al bar.

  5. #5
    ForoParalelo: Miembro Avatar de Usuario0001
    31 dic, 17
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    Por eso yo ya no veo la tele.

    Si quiero actualidad de lo que pasa verdaderamente, me voy a foroparalelo

  6. #6
    𝖠𝗎𝗍𝗈𝖡𝖺𝗇𝗇𝖾𝖽 Avatar de cla$$y
    15 ene, 17
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    Cita Iniciado por battousai1300 Ver mensaje
    El mensaje está oculto porque el usuario está en tu lista de ignorados.
    Por eso yo ya no veo la tele.

    Si quiero actualidad de lo que pasa verdaderamente, me voy a internet.
    Te vas al internet que no te discute lo que piensas, a tragar mierda neonazi en Twitter y a seguir a gente que no te desmonte el chiringuito mental.

    En serio te crees más culto que el que se informa con el Telediario o con El País? Qué pena dais me cago en mi puta raza

  7. #7
    ForoBoniatos/ForoCebollas Avatar de battousai1300
    25 abr, 15
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    Cita Iniciado por cla$$y Ver mensaje
    El mensaje está oculto porque el usuario está en tu lista de ignorados.
    Te vas al internet que no te discute lo que piensas, a tragar mierda neonazi en Twitter y a seguir a gente que no te desmonte el chiringuito mental.

    En serio te crees más culto que el que se informa con el Telediario o con El País? Qué pena dais me cago en mi puta raza
    1- veo noticias de todos los signos.
    2- no uso twitter
    3- cualquiera es mas culto sin ver el telediario o el país.
    4- o eres troll, o gilipollas. Elige con cuidado.

  8. #8
    jinetero Avatar de JACA-MECANIC
    24 sep, 17
    Son.los baneados.txt
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    Por eso yo ya no veo la tele.

    Si quiero actualidad de lo que pasa verdaderamente, me voy al circo a ver a los payachochs

  9. #9
    ForoParalelo: Miembro Avatar de unown_201
    19 abr, 13
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    resumen del vidrio¿

  10. #10
    ForoParalelo: Miembro Avatar de Fortunius
    22 may, 16
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    Cita Iniciado por cla$$y Ver mensaje
    El mensaje está oculto porque el usuario está en tu lista de ignorados.
    Te vas al internet que no te discute lo que piensas, a tragar mierda neonazi en Twitter y a seguir a gente que no te desmonte el chiringuito mental.

    Si es al revés, toda la borregada del twitter era mayoría progre desde que se inventó, y si ahora tu notas que la opinión pública está girando a la derecha es sólo culpa de la progresía que ha estado más pendiente del feminismo, de los manteros, de poner a raperos y etarras como héroes de la clase obrera (la hostia) y de gilipolleces varias que ya todos sabemos.
    Además que es totalmente falso que vayamos a noticias de nuestra ideología, muchos leemos las fake news sólo para descojonarnos de lo fuera de la realidad que están, pero si hasta en 4chan nos ponemos trolleos los unos a los otros modo bait progre.

  11. #11
    𝖠𝗎𝗍𝗈𝖡𝖺𝗇𝗇𝖾𝖽 Avatar de cla$$y
    15 ene, 17
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    Cita Iniciado por Fortunius Ver mensaje
    El mensaje está oculto porque el usuario está en tu lista de ignorados.

    Si es al revés, toda la borregada del twitter era mayoría progre desde que se inventó, y si ahora tu notas que la opinión pública está girando a la derecha es sólo culpa de la progresía que ha estado más pendiente del feminismo, de los manteros, de poner a raperos y etarras como héroes de la clase obrera (la hostia) y de gilipolleces varias que ya todos sabemos.
    Además que es totalmente falso que vayamos a noticias de nuestra ideología, muchos leemos las fake news sólo para descojonarnos de lo fuera de la realidad que están, pero si hasta en 4chan nos ponemos trolleos los unos a los otros modo bait progre.
    Vamos, que sois una puta secta haciendo todos lo mismo comiéndoos las pollitas jajajaj

    Yo no soy progre así que a mí no me metas en ningún saco y te doy la razón en lo de Twitter, otros sacos de mierda es lo que son los progres de ese sitio

  12. #12
    𝖠𝗎𝗍𝗈𝖡𝖺𝗇𝗇𝖾𝖽 Avatar de cla$$y
    15 ene, 17
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    Cita Iniciado por battousai1300 Ver mensaje
    El mensaje está oculto porque el usuario está en tu lista de ignorados.
    1- veo noticias de todos los signos.
    2- no uso twitter
    3- cualquiera es mas culto sin ver el telediario o el país.
    4- o eres troll, o gilipollas. Elige con cuidado.
    Se te ve con mucho espíritu autocrítico y poco manipulado

  13. #13
    ForoParalelo: Miembro Avatar de Fortunius
    22 may, 16
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    Cita Iniciado por cla$$y Ver mensaje
    El mensaje está oculto porque el usuario está en tu lista de ignorados.
    Vamos, que sois una puta secta haciendo todos lo mismo comiéndoos las pollitas jajajaj
    Para nada, son gente de muchas edades y distintas ideologías económicas y sociales, más o menos se coincide en la inmigración pero a partir de ahí hay mundos... liberales,libertarios,socialistas(nacional),conser vadores,cristianos,paganos... joder, nazbol...
    La secta de hacer todos lo mismo "comer pollitas", teñirse el pelo de azul y luego cortársela la picha pa mi que son otros eh..

    Troll Culture


    In my view, the core identity of the current Alt-Right originates from the highly intellectual meme and trolling culture which was birthed on 4chan in the 00’s.

    The birth of the internet age marked the first time in history that unlimited amounts of information were available at people’s fingertips, and courageous men began to sort through it and discuss it wherever they were allowed to.

    It was on 4chan’s /pol/ that most of the core concepts of what is now the Alt-Right were figured out. Many of the key “anons” (anonymous imageboard posters) from this group were people who had previously been involved in 4chan’s /b/, which is where modern internet trolling techniques originated.

    The anonymous nature of 4chan allowed for all different sorts of people to get together and discuss all sorts of ideas, without having those ideas attached to an identity of any kind (not even an internet pseudonym). Anti-Semitic and racist jokes had been a key feature of /b/, but on /pol/ the sentiments behind the jokes slowly became serious, as people realized they were based on fact. /pol/ became a haven for virulent anti-Semites and aggressive racists, and tone of the Alt-Right is drawn directly from these roots on 4chan.

    On 4chan, the Jewish problem was analyzed by news junkies and history buffs, feminism was deconstructred by sexually frustrated young men, and race was considered based on the actual data on the issue. The rehabilitation of Adolf Hitler and the NSDAP largely took place on 4chan.


    This newly formulated Nazi ideology was then combined with the established troll culture, based on memes, hilarious images designed to transmit cultural concepts, and “lulz,” a term coined by the troll Jameth which defines the type of malicious humor associated with trolling.

    Culture-jamming and various other forms of conscious social-engineering were first applied to online activism here. This made promoting the right-wing agenda not only meaningful, but also extremely fun. The Alt-Right carries with it that spirit of fun.

    Sites and People:

    /pol/ – Effectively ground zero of the Alt-Right, in that this is where the aesthetic and basic ideology of the Alt-Right originated.
    weev – Troll zero, weev was the key non-anon originator of what we now understand as troll culture.
    Daily Stormer – A neo-Nazi website which rips-off memes from 4chan and refuses to give them credit.
    The Right Stuff – An edgy website for trolls, which features a wide array of podcasts, some of which are professionally produced. Originator of the echoes meme.
    My Posting Career – It doesn’t really go in this category, but has to be put somewhere, as it has been an extremely influential site. Originator of the term “cuckservative.”
    Ricky Vaughn – A Twitter personality.
    Paul Town – Another Twitter personality.
    GotNews.com – Another one that doesn’t exactly go here, but the site’s proprieter, Chuck Johnson, has been confirmed to have Internet Troll Personality Disorder (ITPD).


    Non-ironic Nazism masquerading as ironic Nazism
    Anime Nazism

    Conspiracy Theorism


    Throughout the 00’s, conspiracy theorism was a key dissident movement on the internet. The movement was an extension of old anti-communist propaganda which had aired on shortwave radio, supercharged by the internet and a generally high level of confusion in society which led people to consider alternate explanations for events.

    The movement gained traction initially with theories surrounding the 9/11 attacks having been orchestrated by intelligence agencies, rather than random Moslems. This was attached to anti-globalist concepts and the term “New World Order,” as well as more obscure theories regarding Freemasonry and global satanism.


    At the turn of the decade, however, the movement began to lose steam, as the conspiracy theories being promoted by the people who promote such theories had become increasingly bizarre/insane.

    The people from the conspiracy scene then began becoming increasingly focused on the Jewish problem. Even those who currently do not focus on the Jewish issue have moved closer to Alt-Right type ideas regarding race and culture.

    Sites and People:

    Infowars – The world’s foremost conspiracy website, run by a large man named Alex Jones. The site has, over the last year, become increasingly aligned with Alt-Right ideas, though without talking about the Jews. They have dumped a lot of the hardline kookery of the 00’s conspiracy movement.
    Rense – The world’s secondmost conspiracy website, run by Jeff Rense. It is just a link site, but it has influenced the narrative of the conspiracy movement in the way it chooses links. If you browse it now, a lot of the content is Alt-Rightish.
    Red Ice – Heinrich Palmgren’s radio program started with a focus on conspiracies, but he has since moved into the Alt-Right. He has also expanded into other media.
    Paul Joseph Watson – Lead agent of Infowars, Watson made a huge pivot from promoting chemtrails-tier kookery to anti-SJW materials last year. He has claimed that Jews do not control the media.
    Veteran’s Today – The commentary website of Jewish conspiracy theorist Gordon Duff. The site is the last remaining bastion of hardline “tinfoil hat” type conspiracy theories. Duff has admitted to purposefully publishing disinformation.
    David Icke – A British person who believes the world is controlled by lizard people from another dimension (all of whom happen to be Jewish).


    A willingness to look critically at mainstream narratives



    Though there is technically a difference between Libertarianism and paleoconservatism, the most notable figures could be identified using either of these terms. This was a counter-culture movement popular in the 00’s, fueled largely by Ron Paul’s ’08 and ’12 Presidential campaigns. Its roots went back to the campaigns of Pat Buchanan.

    In the early 2010’s, we saw many in the libertarian community becoming seriously disillusioned with their own movement. Ron Paul had failed miserably to gain traction in his 2012 Presidential bid, and much of the basic doctrine of the movement was beginning to look stale as other ways of looking at society were beginning to be presented – in particular, Fascism and National Socialism were introduced as competing alternatives to the current system of materialism, consumerism and corrupt crony capitalism.

    At the same time, discussion of economics appeared to be becoming increasingly irrelevant, partially due to the immediate nature of social and cultural problems, and partially due to the development of technology making the old economic models obsolete.

    Sites and People:

    TakiMag – A politically incorrect paleoconservative blog published by Taki Theodoracopulos.
    Stefan Molyneux – A Libertarian YouTuber who has progressively moved away from hardline Libertarian cult doctrine and toward social criticism. He still doesn’t talk about the Jews.
    Pat Buchanan – A former Presidential candidate and current columnist and commentator, he is one of the only modern mainstream politicians to criticize Jews.
    Joe Sobran – Anti-Semitic Catholic columnist, now deceased.
    Ron Paul – Failed presidential candidate.
    Council of Conservative Citizens – An paleoconservative and pro-White organization founded in the 80’s. Recently accused of brainwashing Dylann Roof.
    American Free Press – A newspaper and website which promotes Libertarian-conservative politics and anti-Semitism.


    Early anti-political correctness and criticism of Jewish influence

    The Manosphere


    At the same time that 4chan was discovering Adolf Hitler, the pick-up artist community was in the process of transforming into what is now called the Manosphere. These are groups of men disillusioned with feminism in society.

    Having used the starting point of feminism to look at the ills of our modern society, many of these men began to look at the Jews (who happened to have invented feminism) as playing a destructive role in the development of modern Western culture. Already outside of the bounds of what is socially acceptable, these guys did not have a problem entering into new realms of political incorrectness.

    Sites and People:

    Return of Kings – The blog of Roosh V, originally a purely Manosphere-oriented site which now covers a variety of political and social issues.
    Chateau Heartiste – A pick-up artist and anti-feminist blog which has moved progressively into politics.
    Davis Aurini – A Manosphere figure who has become more political.
    Matt Forney – A Manosphere blogger who now writes various right-wing materials.


    Men’s Rights


    maxresdefaujhbm lt

    The Gamergate provided a direct entry-point to what is now called the Alt-Right, as it was made-up of young White men who realized they were being disenfranchised by feminism and political correctness when aggressive SJWs began invading their space and making demands of them, and ended up digging into the “dark corners of the internet” to try and figure out what was happening.

    Gamergate is notable in that they had some very serious successes in fighting off attempts to maintain their hobby as a White male affair (though Daily Stormer is the only site which has actually gotten a feminist fired from a video game company).

    After Gamergate was banned from 4chan (a weird decision by moot, the site’s owner, when he was courting a Jewish girl who writes for Gawker), the movement transfered its base to 8chan, and was largely responsible for initially populating that site (it has also become popular among the Alt-Right, generally). Mingling there with Alt-Righters, many people involved became active in other aspects of the right-wing movement.

    Sites and People:

    8ch.net/v/ – The de facto home of the movement.
    /r/KokatuInAction – The other de facto home of the movement.
    Vox Day – A blogger, science fiction writer and various other things.


    Drawing battlelines for the culture war
    Making video games White and male again

    The Old White Nationalist Movement

    George Lincoln Rockwell

    Finally, these various groups were combined, to various extents, with the older White Nationalist movements, which had existed since the fifties.

    Some of those involved in the older movements dislike the Alt-Right because they don’t understand the humor involved, they think it is too hardcore, or because it rejects certain aspects of liberalism which they hold dear, such as feminism.

    Sites and People:

    Stormfront – The original WN spot on the internet.
    David Duke – The grandfather of the White Nationalist movement.
    VDARE – Edited and run by Peter Brimelow, VDARE is mainly focused on the immigration issue. They have some great writers, including James Kirkpatrick.
    The Occidental Observer – Run by Dr. Kevin MacDonald, TOO publishes long essays on Jews, some of which are pretty good.
    Traditionalist Youth Network – The home of Matt Heimbach’s Traditonalist Workers Party.
    VNN – Alex Linder’s forum, VNN is a classic WN site.
    American Renaissance – Jared Taylor’s organization, which is also the name of his news website.
    Occidental Dissent – The blog of the League of the South’s Hunter Wallace.


    IQ statistics
    Various ideas and concepts

    Identitarian Movements


    Like the standard WN movements, identitarian movements developed separate from the core of the Alt-Right and combined/mingled with it to an extent over the last couple of years.

    Identitarianism is an attempt at Americanizing certain themes of European nationalism which were seen to be lacking in the White Nationalist movement in America.

    The exact differences between “Identitarianism” and “White Nationalism” have never been entirely clear to me, but those who fall under the former label tend to be more socially liberal than other factions of the Alt-Right, endorsing homosexuality and taking a softer stance on the need for pure White nations.

    Sites and people:

    Counter-Currents – Greg Johnson’s blog, publishes a lot of highly excellent essays. They also publish books.
    Radix Journal – Richard Spencer’s blog.


    The term “Alt-Right”
    A bunch of books and essays

  14. #14
    ForoParalelo: Miembro Avatar de Usuario0001
    31 dic, 17
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    Cita Iniciado por unown_201 Ver mensaje
    El mensaje está oculto porque el usuario está en tu lista de ignorados.
    resumen del vidrio¿
    la ideologia de genero va ya demasiado lejos

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