alergias y seudos

  1. #1
    ForoParalelo: Miembro Avatar de cypo
    06 feb, 18
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    alergias y seudos

    que el castaño de indias, Londres, o como coño se llame, no para de provocar toses es tan simple como sencillos son sus innumerables pelitos soltados por el viento y recogidos por nasales y gargantas en el acto, respiratorio. No es histamina todo lo que te escuece. Me jode que el monocultivo de especies exóticas en zonas urbanas nos deje tan hechos polvo mientras que, los gitanos, como no, algunos tienen el dintel para la tos tan alto que podrían respirar polvos de todo tipo sin tan siquiera soltar una lagrimita. Parece que a más primitivo de tu físico más jodido con la propia naturaleza ( exótica y concentrada) que se supone podías ser capaz de soportar. aSCO PRIMACERA

  2. #2
    ForoParalelo: Miembro Avatar de Visigodo
    22 abr, 19
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    allergies and pseudos
    that the horse chestnut, London, or as a pussy is called, does not stop coughing is as simple as simple are its innumerable little hairs released by the wind and collected by nasals and throats in the act, respiratory. Everything that stings you is not histamine. It bothers me that the monoculture of exotic species in urban areas makes us so dusty while, gypsies, of course, some have a crest lintel so high that they could breathe dust of all kinds without even releasing a tear. It seems that the more primitive of your physique more fucked up with the very nature (exotic and concentrated) that you are supposed to be capable of supporting. aSCO PRIMACERA

  3. #3
    ForoParalelo: Miembro Avatar de cypo
    06 feb, 18
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    allergies and pseudos
    that the horse chestnut, London, or as a pussy is called, does not stop coughing is as simple as simple are its innumerable little hairs released by the wind and collected by nasals and throats in the act, respiratory. Everything that stings you is not histamine. It bothers me that the monoculture of exotic species in urban areas makes us so dusty while, gypsies, of course, some have a crest lintel so high that they could breathe dust of all kinds without even releasing a tear. It seems that the more primitive of your physique more fucked up with the very nature (exotic and concentrated) that you are supposed to be capable of supporting. aSCO PRIMACERA

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